Two months ago today, I was released from the hospital. I’m feeling humbled, as God has continued to heal me and lead me on the path of renewal and restoration. More blood tests and another doctor’s visit yesterday brought, for the most part, more good news and continued improvement, despite my Chick-fil-A confession (Oh, and did I forget to mention the Wendy’s fries I had at the airport on our layover in Houston?)
My creatinine count is down to 2.8 from the previous 3.5, and almost all of my other tests have continued to improve and/or are back to the normal range of what they should be. Almost everything Dr. Aragón had to say ended with an exclamation point, and he couldn’t stop smiling after looking at my test results. He was so pleased that he doesn’t need to see me again for 2 months! (I won’t miss the needles, cost, or drive out there, but I do kind of enjoy seeing him each week!)