
Monday, May 3, 2010

Loved by E-mail

emails Each month, we send out a newsletter about life and ministry in Nicaragua. Each time we get a few e-mails from friends back home. Each letter we read and cherish, as they are tales of things familiar, people we miss like crazy, and words that say (without actually saying) that we have not been forgotten.

We enjoy hearing about the games people have been playing, the books they have been reading, and how their classrooms (for the teachers) have been holding up. It’s fun to hear about new babies on the way, how our community group is doing, and the progress on the kids ministry building at Wildwood. We have felt loved when people pray for us, support us, make plans to come visit us, or eagerly await our return. We are encouraged when people who were a part of things from our lives in the States (like our wedding, our jobs, or activities) remember them with us.

And it makes us joyful when we offer a chance for people to walk through life with us by reading books we are reading, and someone e-mails us to say that they have already ordered the book. We are even thankful that people can laugh about our misfortunes (one of which you can read about here).

To sum it all up, we know that people are extremely busy, but it means the world to us when people are willing to take the time to e-mail us (especially if they have to type it out on a tiny ipod screen!). It makes us feel loved. And not forgotten. And we are grateful.

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